Annual Meeting
SPON Annual Meeting
Date: April 26, 2025
Place: OASIS Senior Center, Corona del Mar
Time: 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Breakfast will be served from 9:30-10:00 a.m. with the program starting promptly at 10:00 a.m.
The content of this year's Annual Meeting will focus on the impacts of climate change as it relates to sea-level rise and development pressures on the Newport Beach coastline. The participants will be educated on actionable solutions, and will be mobilized to advocate for sustainable policies that ensure Newport Beach remains resilient for generations.
Keynote Speaker: Nancy Gardner addressing Coastal Resilience as it relates to the General Plan Update.
Panel presentation will include a local sea-level rise expert, a representative from the California Coastal Commission and a community advocate.
Be sure and mark your calendar and plan on attending!
SPON’s 2025 Membership Renewal
As our annual meeting draws closer, it is time to for you to renew your membership to help SPON continue to protect and preserve our beautiful
Newport Beach. SPON advocates for Newport Beach residents to mitigate significant challenges to our environment and quality of life. Your
participation matters!
SPON membership covers a single calendar year (January 1 through December 31st). Your tax-deductible membership includes:
- Voting rights at SPON’s Annual Meeting
- Receiving members’ only emails and event invitations
- Strengthening our collective voice when working with City leaders
- Preserving the residential qualities of our hometown
Membership Levels
$50 Individual $25 Student
Contributions (membership is included)
$100 Silver $500 Gold $1,000 Platinum