John Wayne Airport
John Wayne Airport is the greatest threat to the quality of life for Newport Beach residents.
SPON has fought for our community for 40 years to ensure it’s not destroyed by the airport’s environmental impacts by defending the landmark 1985 Settlement Agreement which limits JWA growth, noise, and operations.
In 1985, three groups – SPON, the City of Newport Beach, and the Airport Working Group (AWG) – united to sue the County over the airport’s negative impacts on residents’ quality of life. The County subsequently entered into a Settlement Agreement with the three parties which provides a curfew, limits average daily departures (ADDs), enforces noise limits, and places a cap on the number of annual passengers allowed for commercial airlines.
The Settlement Agreement term ends in 2030 and negotiation conversations have already begun among the signatories. Ensuring that the Agreement’s safeguards remain in place is SPON’s top priority, but we can’t do this alone – we need your help! We urge you to donate to SPON to help fund this upcoming challenge.
Your donation will support SPON’s efforts to protect the things we value the most – our quality of life, beaches, schools, and home values – from the noise and pollution impacts and never-ending expansion threats from John Wayne Airport.
Please spread the word to your neighbors to ensure we don’t lose this fight.